Bad things happen to good people

Bad things happen to good people
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Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master, and honourable, because by him the LORD had given deliverance unto Syria: he was also a mighty man in valour, but he was a leper. — 2 Kings 5:1

Throughout my life, I have witnessed many different events that have happened to different people. Throughout my time working as a paramedic, I can remember many times arriving at an accident or a home where tragedy had struck. Someone who was well was now sick. Another who was uninjured was now injured.

There were many other times that things may have happened when I was not in my role as a paramedic. I remember elderly Christians falling and being injured. I remember young Christians who were diagnosed with cancer or other terminal illness. Each time it seems the question is asked, why do bad things happen to good people?

This truly was the case for Naaman here. We learn in just one verse how great and honorable he really was. But at the end of the verse, we learn that he was a leper. He was someone that was considered strong and mighty. Yet, he was susceptible to a bad thing.

While we may often ask the question of why, the truth is bad things happen to good people. Bad things happen to the people who are living their lives day in and out for God. Christians that are doing the will of God every day. But the bad things still happen.

Even though the bad things may happen, God is still faithful. He has never once abandoned someone because of bad things that come into their lives. We may not always understand why, but God has a purpose for the bad things that come into our lives.

Maybe you are dealing with one of those bad things in your life, or perhaps it’s a friend or relative. Don’t give up hope because something bad has happened. It doesn’t mean that God does not love you and has left you. It simply means that God is using you for a special purpose. Trust Him and let Him use you.

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