Talking to God

Talking to God
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Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; — Romans 12:12

Earlier this year, I came across an article on a website that talked about the importance of communication in relationships. The article was sharing various points regarding communication and how vital it was in different types of relationships. There were many great points made. Some related to how communication allows you to share how you feel, what you are experiencing, and at times things that you need.

As the article continued, it spoke about good communication habits and bad communication habits. It shared traits that someone may experience depending on their level of experience in communication. While all those things were great, there were a couple of points that really caught my attention.

In the article, it explained that communication is a foundational matter for a relationship. In other words, without communication, a relationship is strained. Communication creates a closeness between those who are involved in the act of communicating. As I read those words, I couldn’t help but think about my communication in life, but more importantly, my communication with God.

Prayer is the means of communication that God designed for us to communicate with Him. We have the ability to approach God at any moment, talking directly with the one who created all things! Yet, we often take that opportunity for granted by ignoring it or finding other things that are more important.

Talking with God is vitally important for us. It is vitally important in our relationship with God and creates a bond between us. If you want to be closer to God, spend more time talking with Him! The more we talk with God, the closer we become and a stronger relationship develops. How is your communication with God? Do you feel it is as strong as it could be?

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