Eye-opening moments of grace

Eye-opening moments of grace
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Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. — Psalm 119:18

There are many moments in our lives that will open our eyes. Not that we physically open our eyes, but we see something much clearer than we have seen previously. For example, perhaps something happens in your life and it causes you to take in a new perspective. We all have these types of moments in life.

One of these that I had was when my wife had several miscarriages. Throughout our marriage, we had discussed adoption and that we had hoped to adopt a child at some point. But God had a different plan. Through multiple miscarriages, we quickly learned that God’s plan was for us to build our family through adoption. His plan was more amazing than we could have ever imagined.

Another great example was when I was finishing my college degree. I sat with two job offers in front of me. One was in the field that my degree was in. Another was in healthcare management, which didn’t relate to my accounting degree very much. But as I prayed, I followed God’s guidance and see His hands at work throughout my career.

Countless times I have heard others share similar stories. No doubt you can think back on the times that God has given grace, or undeserved favor, in your life. As we reflect on these moments, many times our eyes are opened to the goodness of God in a new way. We see the grace of God as we have never seen it before.

But these eye-opening moments of grace often come after a period of blindness. We don’t always see the grace of God at work in our lives at the moment, but we see it as we look back on what He has done. It reminds me of the words of the hymn Amazing Grace, “Was blind but now I see.”

If you find yourself in one of those moments of blindness, don’t lose faith. God is still at work and has grace for your situation. If you aren’t in a moment of blindness, take some time to think back on the eye-opening moments of grace in your life and thank God for His goodness!

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