Where are you spending your time?

Where are you spending your time?
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But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. — Philippians 3:7

Many times in life, we talk about how things have created opportunities for success. For example, many people will say that their college education helped them become successful. They will relate that to a better career, higher salary, or similar things. Others may say that their family prepared them for success in life. Maybe their families had experienced success in life and they passed that along.

For others, they may argue that their upbringing contributed to their success. Maybe their parents gave them a strong work ethic. Perhaps they don’t have all the money in this world, but they have a steady job that helps them pay the bills and live day by day. Truthfully, we can probably all think back on things that have contributed to us being where we are in life.

As Paul writes here, he says that those things that were gain to him, he counted as a loss for Christ. In other words, for all the things that may have helped him in life, none of them helped him gain Jesus Christ. One writer said it like this, “The more he gained in self-righteousness the more he lost of Christ.”

There is no amount of training, education, or earthly possession that can create a personal relationship with Jesus. But even more than that, there is nothing this world can offer to give you a stronger relationship with Him either! A strong relationship is not developed through money, education, or skills. It’s developed through spending time with someone.

As you reflect today, where are you spending your time? Do we spend our time on things of this world, which are a loss for Christ? We should be spending time with God, focusing on developing a stronger relationship with Him.

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