When you feel like you are not good enough

When you feel like you are not good enough
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And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither. — 1 Samuel 16:11

There are some times in my life when I have felt like I was not good enough. For example, when I was younger, I remember when there were many people who played sports much better than I did. They were always chosen first for the team. They were always the center of attention when they played.

Or when I learned to play musical instruments. I remember playing the guitar once with a group of people and realizing how much more skillful they were in playing the instrument. It garnered the attention of everyone around and it caused me to feel like perhaps I was not good enough to be playing with them.

While I quickly got over my examples as life progressed, there are many people who haven’t because the situation was much different. Perhaps they faced a father or mother who didn’t believe they were good enough. Maybe it was a spouse or some other friend or family member.

Could you imagine the thoughts that may have gone through David’s mind as his father showed off his brothers to Samuel, while he was out working? Probably some of the same thoughts I have heard from others today. Things like, “I was never good enough for him.” Or perhaps, “She never thought I was good enough.”

We don’t have to live in that mindset as a child of God. Maybe we weren’t the choice of others, but God says He wants us! He doesn’t care about faults, failures, or the opinion of others. He loves us and simply wants us for who we are.

God has promised that He will never leave or forsake us. He will be there for us and wants us no matter what. But so often we get distracted by wanting the approval of others. It truly is a moment of self-reflection for each of us. If we hold onto those bad feelings of not being good enough, are we saying that God is not good enough for us? He really should be the only one that matters.

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