Examine your own heart

Examine your own heart
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If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. — 1 John 1:8

Never in the existence of humanity have we lived in a more perfect society. At least, that’s what this world would have you believe. There is a notion and belief that seems to run through society that everyone is perfect and does nothing wrong. We expect perfection from our role models, perfection from our pastors and church leaders, and perfection from all those around us. There’s just one problem: sin.

In fact, sin is a much bigger problem than our society would have you believe. Our society is not perfect, it has just gotten better at hiding and overlooking sin. We will overlook the sin in our own lives, but treat someone poorly when they have committed a sin.

To act as if there is not sin present in our society is only deceiving ourselves. From the fall of man, this world has had a sin problem. Sin is our human nature. From a “little white lie” to murder, sin is still sin and still exists in our society. There is not one single person that is perfect.

While Jesus gave His life to redeem us from sin, it did not eliminate sin from society. So why do we act as though sin does not exist? Why do we contribute to a societal image where we want to appear perfect, as though we are sinless, rather than forgiven?

God realizes that our world is full of sin, whether we see it or want to admit it. His expectation is not that we live in a sin-free society, because that’s impossible. His expectation is that we confess our sins and enjoy forgiveness from sin. But that means we have to search ourselves for sin to confess, not look for everyone else’s sin.

Maybe you are guilty of trying to appear perfect, but you know that you have unconfessed sin in your life. Perhaps you have never asked Jesus Christ to save you and forgive you of your sins. Thankfully, verse 9 of this chapter reminds us that if we confess, He will forgive.

Instead of looking around at the sins of others, examine your own heart today. Are you trying to appear perfect, or are you showing others you are forgiven?

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