A pit of purpose

A pit of purpose
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And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.– Genesis 37:24

From the time we are small, we often learn about Joseph and his coat of many colors. We often learn about how Joseph was favored and the jealousy of his brothers. No doubt countless times we have read through the story, about how he was left in a pit, then sold into Egypt later on.

Not so long ago, I took another look at this scripture, and specifically the pit that was described here. If you study into the ancient Hebrew definition, the words translated pit here mean a well or cistern. This wasn’t a pit that was just naturally there, it had been dug out for a specific purpose. In the past, it had been used to hold water.

But the Bible is clear that there is no water in that pit anymore. What had once given nourishment, was now barren. Where there was once comfort found, there was discomfort and despair. I don’t know about you, but I have been in some situations in my life which are pretty similar.

Maybe it was the comfort of a close friend, family member, or home. Or maybe it was a church, place of work, or something else. No matter what it was, it wa as place of comfort for you. But something changed. The comfort that you once found there is not there anymore. Now, instead of nourishment, it’s a pit of despair.

If you find yourself in that situation, don’t be discouraged. It may be a pit of despair in your life right now, but it’s a pit of purpose for God. Through that pit, God spared Joseph’s family. Maybe you don’t see the way out of the pit right now, but don’t give up. God has a plan and purpose for your pit too!

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