Loving those that hate you

Loving those that hate you
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But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. — Matthew 5:44

It seems as though it is becoming increasingly difficult to be a Christian in our day today. If you take a stand against sin, you are considered a problem. Christians are called radicals, extremists, and it’s even said that they should not be able to exist in society. If you simply believe what you hear and read, it doesn’t sound like Christians have a lot of friends.

That is how our society seems to be progressing. As Christians take a stand against sin, they are hated. This is more than a national problem. It boils over on a local level. Take a stand against any sin that is rampant in our day and see what happens. You will find that you are immediately punished, at risk of losing your job, canceled from society, or even receiving death threats.

That’s not because standing against sin is wrong. It’s because the love of sin is what this world hungers after. The challenge for the Christian is making sure we are not making this about the person but rather the sin.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say the old adage “love the sinner hate the sin.” The Bible is clear that we must love those who are our “enemies.” We must love those that curse us, hate us, persecute us, and use us. That can be extremely difficult when you are on the receiving end of their “punishment” for taking a stand.

This love is a love of benevolence. We are not approving their actions, but we realize that God expects us to love them no matter what. After all, the only difference between that person and ourselves is God’s mercy and grace. So before you are quick to seek revenge or disparage someone who curses you, hates you, persecutes you, or uses you, remember the words of Jesus. Show them God’s love.

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