It all started with a lie

It all started with a lie
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And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die. — Genesis 3:4

Several years ago, I remember the situation that involved Bernie Madoff. He was a well known investor on the various stock exchanges. In fact, he was well respected for his work. But over the course of his time working in the financial industry, Madoff started to lie.

I am sure the lie started as something simple, but it quickly grew into the largest Ponzi scheme in history. Billions of dollars were stolen from a wide group of people. Each time Madoff was nearly caught or forced into a situation that would lead to his discovery, he escaped. He continued to lie, allowing him to continue to steal money from these people throughout the years.

Lying certainly didn’t start with Bernie Madoff, however. It started a few thousand years ago, back in the Garden of Eden with the words in the verse above. These words from Satan led Eve to sin, who led Adam to sin, and the ultimate fall of man. It all started with a lie.

It seems that society has become immune to lying. We hear the lies of our governmental leaders, statements that are outright lies and we know it. We hear the lies of those around us day in and out. But scripture is clear, lying is sin. Even though it’s sin, we continue to see it happen. Our lies are not only sin, but they hurt others around us.

Rather than being like everyone else, Christians should be different. We should deal in honesty and truth with everyone. God expects us to be honest and that’s the example that we should set. Don’t believe the lies of Satan that a little lie will be ok. Just one little lie can cost you more than you ever imagined.

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