What do others see in you?

What do others see in you?
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Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints. — Colossians 1:4

There are times in my life when I have been given information about someone’s reputation. I am not talking about gossip here. For example, maybe I was hiring for a position at my job, and I asked about a candidate. I have heard countless stories when I have inquired about people in this situation.

At times, I have heard how great the person was. It has been shared that the person was a happy person, a miserable person, or even a troublemaker. Sometimes, I have even been told things with the leading statement, “well I have heard…”

It is obviously challenging to make a sound decision based on something that was heard, but that is exactly what happens each and every day. All around us, people are watching the things that we do and the things that we say. They pay attention to our actions and the people that we interact with. Whether it is right or not, they make decisions and assumptions about us based on these things.

Paul was writing here, and he shared with the church at Colosse what he had heard about them. The church had a reputation of faith in Jesus and one of love for those around them. Many times, the first thing that comes to mind when we think of someone is the bad things. That wasn’t the case with the reputation of these. They were known as people of faith and love.

There is a challenge for us found in this. What do others see in you? Let’s say someone asked your coworkers, neighbors, and acquaintances about you. Would you be known as a person of faith and love for others? As Christians, we should desire to live our lives in a way that our faith shines through, leading others to Christ.

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