Right on time

Right on time
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Then when Jesus came, he found that he had lain in the grave four days already. — John 11:17

Anyone who has known me and my wife for any length of time will tell you that we both have different ways of approaching specific times. For example, I have always been the type of person if you give me a specific time to be somewhere, I am going to be a few minutes early. Before we were married, it was often a joke because my wife was always a few minutes late.

That was certainly a challenge early in our marriage. I would often be ready to leave at a specific time and perhaps she was not even starting to get ready. It became even more of a challenge adding our son to the mix. We both got used to getting places on time, but he has his own thoughts about time and his own pace. Still, we do everything we can to be where we are going at the time that we are asked to be there.

That was certainly not the case here with Jesus. Mary and Martha sent for Jesus and wanted Him to come much sooner than He did. They sent for Him before Lazarus died. But Jesus did not come until after Lazarus died and He had been dead for 4 days!

Four days late for Jesus was still right on time for what He was going to accomplish. The people knew Lazarus was dead and was already stinking. But when Jesus arrived, even when He was late, He was right on time.

Maybe you find yourself in a situation where you wish God would intervene as quickly as possible. It could be in the future that you face something where you feel God has forgotten you and is simply not going to help. Don’t lose hope and don’t lose faith. Even if God is late to intervene in your circumstance, He will still be there right on time and do something amazing for you.

Another Well Ministries is a nonprofit ministry focused on encouraging Christians and helping them develop stronger relationships with God. You can find out more about us and ways you can support us here.

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