Nothing can stop our God!

Nothing can stop our God!
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For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? — Isaiah 14:27

I remember watching a video not so long ago where an experiment was being performed and it had failed. It was the space company SpaceX and it had attempted to test a rocket and there were critical errors which forced an end to the test. The video showed the test where the rocket fired and ran for a short time, but then was abruptly shut off.

In the video, various experts came forward and shared why the experiment had failed. There were mixed opinions. Perhaps the pressure in one area was too much. Maybe the engine wasn’t cooled appropriately in another area. There were numerous excuses as to what prevented the rocket test from going as planned. Each excuse gave a different perspective and reason why.

That’s certainly how things are in our world today. We seem to live in a world full of excuses. Every day, excuses are made for why things don’t happen or why someone didn’t do something. There is no shortage of excuses, which makes me so glad there are no excuses with God!

Isaiah shares in this verse that there is nothing that can stop our God. He spoke of God’s hand, which is representative of God’s power and authority. He is the ultimate power and authority over everything. He spoke of God’s ear and God’s ability to hear. There’s nothing that will stand in God’s way of hearing us and listening. Nothing can stand in the way of our God’s power to act in our lives and desire to listen to our prayers.

The world around us may revolve around excuses. You may hear countless stories about why someone else has failed or something has happened. Rest assured, when God’s involved, there are no excuses. God has a plan and a purpose for everything in our lives and nothing can stand in His way!

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