When God says wait until tomorrow

When God says wait until tomorrow
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And the LORD appointed a set time, saying, To morrow the LORD shall do this thing in the land. — Exodus 9:5

We live in an impatient society. The desire is that everything happens almost immediately. We can’t wait for our items we ordered to be delivered, so we have same-day delivery. Simply place your order and, in some instances, they will come and put the groceries in your refrigerator for you.

Fast food is so popular because there is little or no wait for hot food. Drivers run red lights and stop signs because they simply cannot stop and wait for a few moments. We live in a society that is driven by social media and electronic devices. Why? Because we simply cannot wait for the information. We need almost immediate access.

So it should come as no surprise that when we face difficulties and challenges of life, we are impatient. When we are sick, we want to be healed immediately. When we are depressed, we look for a quick fix. Or, what about when we need God to intervene? How dare He not answer right away!

The truth is that sometimes, God doesn’t answer us right away. In our focus verse, we see that God had appointed a time. Just because God does not intervene when we want, it does not mean He is not going to do something for us. Sometimes, God answers right away. Other times, God says wait until tomorrow.

When God says wait until tomorrow, it can be frustrating. Just because He says to wait does not mean that He is not interested, does not care, or does not desire to help in your circumstance. It simply means that God has a better plan than ours. When God says wait until tomorrow, He is not saying no. We may not see or understand His plan, but we have to trust Him.

Another Well Ministries is a nonprofit ministry focused on encouraging Christians and helping them develop stronger relationships with God. You can find out more about us and ways you can support us here.

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