Looking for your dry ground

Looking for your dry ground
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And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. — Exodus 14:22

I remember when I was younger and being around creeks and small streams. There were many times I remember walking across those small creeks, and other times I remember falling in as I tried to cross. There’s one thing that I learned in all of this. Even if the water is lower than normal, the area around those streams is still a muddy place.

When I think of this passage in Exodus, there are a lot of people who have attempted to discredit it. Science has tried to explain this miracle as simply a phenomenon of wind. Various “experts” have argued that a wind simply shifted the water and the people walked across muddy areas.

Except that’s not what Scripture says. The Bible clearly says, even in the original text, dry ground. If we think of the scope of this miracle, no doubt over one million people walked through a major body of water on completely dry ground. The water was a major obstacle, but God removed that obstacle down to the minor pieces.

Each of us can think of obstacles that we face in life. No matter how large they may be and how small we may feel in our ability to overcome, our God is able. But the best part is how He can do it.

The people that crossed the sea with Moses, they didn’t have to worry about mud or grime that stayed with them from the water. God removed it completely from the picture. God is able to do the same thing for you! When you face your greatest challenges, God is able to remove the obstacles and provide a solid path for you. Simply trust Him and He will guide you. He can lead you to dry ground!

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