God wants all of you!

God wants all of you!
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For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living. — Mark 12:44

Not long ago we were in a place where someone was playing the piano. They gracefully tickled the ivory keys as they played a classical song. My family and I watched in amazement as someone used an amazing talent that they had to perform for those who were around. Some people watched and were captivated, others simply ignored it and walked on by.

One thing we all learn as we start to get older is that not everyone is the same. There are some who have amazing talents, and those who do not. I’m certainly not blessed to play the piano like this person, but I appreciate someone who does. There are other instances where people have been blessed as well. We could start a list here, but I think we can all think of ways people have been blessed that we have seen.

God gives us blessings, like talents, money, or other things, so that we might use them for His glory. I am reminded of the widow woman as Jesus watched those casting in their offerings at the Temple. Others gave of abundance, but she caught Jesus’ attention because she gave all that she had.

We all make statements thanking God for the blessings that He has given us in life, but what are we doing with those blessings? Do we use our talents, money, and gifts for the glory of God? We may say that we do, but God is not wanting us to give just a portion. He wants us to give it all to Him to use.

As you reflect on the blessings that God has given you, ask yourself what you are doing with them. Are you giving them all to God, or are you only giving a piece of it to Him? As you pray today, ask God to show you ways where you can give more of yourself to Him. He doesn’t want part of you, God wants all of you.

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