Be careful, it’s a trap!

Be careful, it's a trap!
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Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. — Romans 12:21

I always laugh when I watch something on television or in a movie where there is a person that is trying to get away from something. Maybe it’s a monster or an evil person and they make the situation seem as if the person is running for their life. Then, just as they start feeling like they have put some distance between them and the situation, they make a wrong turn or go the wrong way and end up in a trap.

Life certainly seems to have moments when we are going through it just fine and then suddenly, we find ourselves trapped. Those moments in life are the ones that help define who we are as Christians. We either live the right type of life in those situations, or we are overcome and we give in. We have to be careful, it’s a trap!

In writing the warning found here in the book of Romans, Paul said to not be overcome with evil. In other words, when we find ourselves in the snares and situations of life, do not allow ourselves to forget who we are and what we are. We are Christians and representatives of God.

We must remember our Christian principles, morals, and values. We cannot allow the situation to cause us to be overcome by the evils of this life. Instead, we are instructed to overcome evil with good. When a situation tries to trap us into doing something evil, we should respond instead with good.

There is a unique power that is found in being good. It has the power to overcome evil. It has the power to disarm rage. More than that, it shows the world the love of the Savior in whom we believe. Be careful of the traps of life. Instead of falling into the traps, respond with good!

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