All that we need starts and ends with God

All that we need starts and ends with God
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Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. — Genesis 6:14

I am always fascinated by people that are prepared. For example, it amazes me how some people are meal preppers. They plan their meals out weeks at a time knowing exactly what ingredients they will need day to day. They plan their meals in a specific order, allowing them to reuse items and eliminate as much waste as possible.

Others plan things out like their vacations step by step. They know exactly where they will be and at what time each day. They prepare the order of events so that they are in the right place at the right time. The preparation that goes into those types of things is amazing.

While we can prepare for many things in life, there are a lot of things that we cannot prepare for. I think about Noah and his family in the story of the Ark. They had never worried about rain before. No doubt there were many who thought Noah was crazy and made fun of him. Noah was simply following God. He didn’t know what he needed the day the rain started, but he knew that whatever he needed, it started and ended with God.

None of us know what tomorrow will hold for our lives. We do not know what storms and situations we may face in life. Thankfully, we have a God who knows exactly what we will face. Just like He gave Noah the plans for the ark and delivered his family into the ark, God will do the same for us. He is already working in our lives and doing things to prepare us for what we will face in the future.

Just like Noah, we must follow God in all things. Our preparation for facing our tomorrow starts in obedience to God today. God is giving us the resources to build our ark to face our tomorrow. While the uncertainty will exist, we can be confident that God can deliver us no matter what we may face. Are we being obedient today so our ark will be ready when we need it?

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