Is it time for a spiritual tune-up?

Is it time for a spiritual tune-up?
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O Israel, return unto the LORD thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity. — Hosea 14:1

Things sure have changed in recent years when you have a car issue and need to take a car in for repair. I remember many years ago when you would take a vehicle to a mechanic and they would scour the vehicle to search for what was wrong. Their expert ears and eyes would diagnose the problem and the repair would be completed. Now, they simply plug a car into a computer and it tells them what the problem is.

The computer aided in identifying the issue much faster than would have happened in the past. The mechanic was able to give you the estimate for repair and let you know what would happen if you did not make the repair. The situation then comes down to a decision. Do you make the repair or not?

Here in Hosea, we see the nation of Israel faces a critical decision. Hosea, like the mechanic described, has just diagnosed all the issues with the nation. He told them about the coming judgment of God and that they must fix the issue. That issue was sin. It was not the sin of everyone else, but their own sin.

The nation had departed from being focused on God and it had problems. Things were not running quite right. They needed someone to help them identify the problem and to focus on a way to fix it. Hosea presented the solution to them. They needed to return to God and repent.

How are things in your spiritual “vehicle” today? Are things going ok or do you feel like there are warning lights going off and you need someone to help point you in the right direction to fix it? Sometimes the problem is not other people or things. Sometimes, the problem is inside us and we simply need help identifying the issue. If you find yourself needing a spiritual tune-up, spend some time alone with God today. Ask Him to show you the places you need to address. He will help diagnose the problem and get you back on the right path.

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