Some things never change

Some things never change
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For I am the LORD, I change not. — Malachi 3:6

Not long after my wife and I were married, she wanted me to see where she was from. Having grown up in Ohio and moving to North Carolina when she was young, she always says she misses some things about northeast Ohio. So soon after we married, we loaded up in the car and drove the several hours to visit some of her family and see her hometown.

She would share stories about things she remembered from school and when she used to visit family in the years past. She talked about where people used to work, placed that they used to go, and even loved being able to go and visit those places once again. Many of those places were still the same, serving the same items or selling the same things.

There are times that life is not that way, however. We see many times in life when things change and change quickly. The people we thought we could trust we can no longer trust. The things that we used to do no longer bring satisfaction. Perhaps the people we thought that would always be there are no longer there. Maybe the child that we loved so much is gone from this world far too soon.

Times of change can be some of the most challenging times of life. We find ourselves in the middle of change looking for peace and stability. Even though the world around us may change, there are some things that never change. God is clear through scripture that He has not and will not change.

From the beginning, God was in control. From the moment this world began existing, He knew everything that was going on. He is a constant in a world of change. The things in this world may change, but God does not change!

Maybe you find yourself in the midst of some of those difficult times of change. Maybe some things have happened that changed your world like you never imagined possible. Don’t lose hope or faith. God is still there and He has not changed. He is faithful and is there for you!

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