What does it mean to be a real Christian?

What does it mean to be a real Christian?
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Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. — Matthew 7:21

There seems to be a big focus on the label of “Christian” in our world today. Politicians want to appeal to those who are called Christians in order to win their votes. There are some who say Christians should not have a voice in society for their beliefs that may go against the sin the world craves. The label is cast on people and people want to identify as a Christian for various reasons or benefits.

The word label is chosen because many times that is all it is. It is the idea that you can simply select to be called a Christian today out of convenience and need. The Bible is clear that being a Christian is not something that can be done out of convenience, but it is an act of submission.

Jesus shares in Matthew 7 that not everyone who calls Him Lord will enter into Heaven. He teaches that many will talk about the work that they did for God, but that He will cast them away saying He never knew them. Why would God do that? It’s because they are only Christians by title.

Being a true Christian is that you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and have submitted your life to Him. It is more than just claiming a title or speaking some words. Being a Christian is to change from living for your desires to living for God’s will and purpose. Sadly, so many that claim the title of Christian are not living a life fully submitted to God.

Today is a great opportunity to assess your life. Are you truly a Christian that has accepted Jesus Christ and submitted your life to God? Or are you a “Christian” that has claimed a title? Claiming a title may help you win an election or win notoriety here in this world, but it will not get you to Heaven.

If you have accepted Christ as Savior, we must make sure that we align with His will and purpose, not ours. He does not want us as His children just to give us a title for identification. He has a will and purpose for each of us. If you have not accepted Him, today is certainly a great day to accept Jesus and give your life to Him!

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