And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. – John 1:16
Have you ever had that one meal in your life that seemed like with every helping it just got better and better? It is dangerous to be in that situation. Sure, we all know that we should eat healthy and in moderation according to the experts, but sometimes, you just find that one thing in life that you want to keep eating. Maybe it is sweets, bread, or a favorite recipe.
No doubt we all had a thought go through our minds. We get in those situations and it seems that every time we take out a portion of this food it gets better. It causes us to want more and more. With each bite, we just continue to be amazed at how wonderful the meal is. It’s a fulness and satisfaction that is difficult to describe.
That seems to be the idea that John is giving here in John 1 when he talks about God’s fulness of which we have all received. I love the fulness of God that he describes, but the words that have always stuck with me in this verse is “grace for grace.” The concept of grace is absolutely thrilling in itself, but as John describes it here, it should drive us to love our God even more.
The idea being described is that each time we receive grace, it is a full portion of grace. It’s enough to take care of the situation and circumstance that the grace was dispensed for. Even more, each helping of grace is a reminder that we can never run out of a supply of God’s grace. It’s grace on top of grace, helping on top of helping. He pours out His grace and it’s so much that it’s more than we could ever need filling us up until we are running over with grace.
Think of it like that food you thought about earlier. It’s the idea that just when you think you are done eating and full, someone dumps another portion on your plate. Each and every time it is such a helping of grace that it completely satisfies our need, on which He continues to give more grace.
No matter our situation and circumstance, God has plenty of grace to meet our needs. So while things may seem like they are getting worse, God is going to continue to pour out grace for you. You’ll never exhaust his supply of grace. If you find yourself in the midst of struggles, trust Him. He has the grace to meet your needs.