The little details matter

The little details matter
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The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. — Proverbs 15:3

One of the hardest things for me to deal with is knowing that I am being watched. In the training for one of my previous jobs, it required a lot of observation. I had to perform certain skills and someone had to watch me and critique my work. If the work was not good enough, I had to go back and do it again. It took a lot of repetition to get it right.

I learned several valuable lessons from that work. The first is that when you know someone is watching, it will usually push people to work and try harder. Most people do not want to fail or to do a bad job. What I saw in myself is that it caused me to pay attention to the little details that I often overlooked.

The verse here in Proverbs shares that the eyes of the Lord are in every place. It shares that God sees all the good and the evil. I’m also reminded of a verse in Job 28 where it says that God looks to the end of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. There is not one single thing that is outside of the view of our God.

He sees everything in my life, both the good and the bad. He sees the times that I do my best in living for Him. But He also sees the times that I fail Him. In all that I do, He is able to see where I place priority in my life. He knows if He is first or if He is last. There is nothing that is outside of His view.

It can seem so small to overlook a moment of prayer or a few moments of reading scripture each day. Perhaps it is just a simple moment to thank God for protection on the drive to work or the ability to simply get out of bed. All of these may seem like little details, but the little details matter. God is watching everything in our lives and we should want to live our lives where we don’t overlook what many say are little details.

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