Do you still remember?

Do you still remember?
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That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:12 & 13  

Occasionally I will sit down to talk with my parents as we watch my son play in the house and one of them will look at me and ask, “do you remember…?” Usually, those words are followed by a description of something that I may have done many years ago similar to what my son is doing now. Other times it is a description of someone we used to know.

Sometimes I cannot help but laugh because their comments cause me to remember things from years ago. I remember playing with my toy cars the same way my son is now. I remember someone from back in my youth that perhaps is much older and frail. Sometimes they even share the news that those people may have left this world in death. Each time, it brings back memories from a point in my life long before where I am today.

In his writing, Paul asks the people those same words, “do you remember…?” Paul starts reminding the people of what they used to be. He reminds them that they were Gentiles, separated from God, strangers from God’s promises, without Christ, and without hope. I wonder what those people thought as they read those words?

I know what immediately goes through my mind as I read those words. Immediately, I am reminded of the person I was before I accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. I remember the things I said, the things I did, the thoughts I had, and all the other things. It does not mean that I am perfect now, but back then I was hopeless. I was separated from God and had I died, I would have found myself in Hell.

But praise God there was a day that I accepted Jesus! I may not be perfect, but I am forgiven. My Savior knows my name and I am a stranger no more! He gave me hope and gave me full access to all the promises of God.

Do you still remember what life was like before you accepted Jesus Christ? Do you remember what it was like to be hopeless and separated from God? Praise Him today for His mercy and grace. Praise Him for the work of Jesus on the cross so that we might have hope beyond this sin-filled world. If you don’t know Him, there’s nothing like meeting Him today.

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