Living God’s plan and purpose

Living God’s plan and purpose
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I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.  — John 17:4

One of the things I often struggled with when I was younger was finishing something. I struggled to keep my attention on one thing and I often started something and never finished. I remember my parents often asking me, “are you finished?” It’s funnny because I find myself asking my son the same question now.

In life we are surrounded by distractions and things that want our attention. We have so many places to go and things to do that we often find ourselves with things left unfinished. Other times, we may struggle to know exactly what we are supposed to do.

When Jesus spake these words in John 17:4, He didn’t have a question about what he was supposed to be doing. In fact, He knew exactly what His role was. He had come to the world to live a sinless life and give His life a sacrifice for the sin of all humanity. No one else could do His job and it had to be completely finished. It could not be left halfway done.

As we go through our life, God has designed each of us with a purpose and a plan in mind. He has given us clear instructions for what to do. We are to live for Him. He wants us to share the love of Christ with everyone. Most important of all, He wants us to do it in the place that He has set us in life.

If we look back over our lives today, would we be able to say like Jesus did that we have lived our lives for God? If today was our day to leave this world, could we say that we have done the work that God wanted us to do? Today is a great time to refocus on the will of God for our lives. It’s a great opportunity for us to reconfirm our place and our purpose. If we ask God for His guidance, He will answer.

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