We must be praying for those around us

We must be praying for those around us
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I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. — 1 Timothy 2:1 & 2

Have you ever met someone that you did not like or could not get along with? If we are all honest we would have to admit that there are people that we may not necessarily get along with. It could be a family member, coworker, perhaps even a member of our own church that we attend.

The interesting thing about life is that we all have our own thoughts and opinions about things. Every person feels a certain way, and the way they feel can be shaped by so many circumstances in and around their lives. Those differences can be personal, political, business, or for many other reasons. Even as Christians, when we are called to live our lives based on the truths of the Bible, we find so many various feelings and opinions.

While we may not get along and have the same viewpoints, there are some things that we should do in regards to others, whether we like them or not. Scripture teaches in this verse that we should pray for all men, and specifically those in authority. For those around us, we should pray that God would guide them in the right paths of life. We should pray that God will help them and keep them safe. That God would lead those who do not have a personal relationship with Him to find a place in their lives to start having that relationship.

The challenging part can often be for those in leadership, especially when we can be as divided as we are in our day. Whether you like those in leadership around you, like your boss or elected leaders, you should pray for them. In the verses, it tells us to pray that they are able to provide a way for us to live a peaceable, honest, and Godly life.

I may not agree with everything that may be happening in our world right now, but I cannot fix all the problems in the world. However, I do know the one who has the entire world in His hands and He is capable of taking care of the problems of this world. Through prayer, I can pray for those problems, all those around me, and trust that God is in control.

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