Whose side are you on anyway?

Whose side are you on anyway?
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And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. — Mark 16:15

I will never forget the times when I was younger playing games where we had to choose teams. You always wanted to be chosen and then you would do everything you could to make sure that your friends were chosen for the same team. Not only that, you would absolutely play your heart out because you did not want to lose and be associated with losing whatever game you were playing.

There were a few times that I can remember where someone was not necessarily playing for their own team. Instead, they were actually trying to help the other team. Perhaps they had a crush on someone from the other team or another various reason. I remember the words, “who’s side are you on” as teammates reminded them that they were on their team.

I cannot help but think of the same thing when I think about our current situation across the world. We have Christians that are fighting over things of this world, having lost sight of the team that they are on. We would rather argue over petty things, such as who is making more money or working harder, than we would rather be focused on the cause of Christ.

Mark 16:15 gives clear instructions about our role. It says our job is to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. In other words, we are on the same team with the same mission. We should all be working together in order to share the love of Christ with anyone and everyone.

Remember whose team you are on. If you have accepted Christ as Savior, you are one of His and are bearing the title of being a Christian. If the world sees us working towards alternative goals and arguing over things that do not matter, we lose sight of our purpose: to share Christ with everyone, everywhere.

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