The gift that changes a life forever

The gift that changes a life forever
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Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father. — Galatians 1:4

I have met a lot of interesting people in the time that I have lived. Each one has been different, just as God made them, but I have seen a recurring theme among those that I have met. I think everyone that I have met enjoys receiving a gift. I am not just talking about the holiday season, though. Most anyone enjoys receiving a gift any time of the year. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, almost anything you can think of. It is always nice to put a smile on someone’s face when they receive a gift and know that you made their day or that someone made yours.

At times, we can receive gifts that we feel are deserved. Perhaps it was a gift of a promotion that you felt like you deserved for your hard work. At other times we receive gifts that are expected. I have often joked with friends that you better not skip buying a gift for your spouse on your anniversary. My wife often complains because she says anything she would buy me as a gift I just go purchase myself. Overall, those gifts are nice, but they only provide a short period of happiness.

Here in Galatians, Paul tells us about a gift that we can receive that was unexpected and undeserved that was given to Christians. He talks about how Jesus Christ willingly laid down His life for our sins to deliver us from the evils of this world. It was completely voluntary. No one forced Him to give Himself for our sins. He had never sinned, yet He took our sins so that we might know life through Him.

It was a gift that we were given that was undeserved. It was a gift that was unearned as we could never be good enough to take care of our sins without His sacrifice. The gift was a substitution, as Christ substituted His life in place of my punishment for sin. But most of all, it was a gift out of love. People that give you gifts may care about you, but not one single person that gives you a gift will ever love you as Jesus did.

It’s a gift that does not just bring happiness for a short period, like many gifts we give and receive today. It is a gift that will change your life forever.

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