What is being said about you?

What is being said about you?
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Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel. — Philippians 1:27

It seems that there is always someone that is saying something about someone. It is human nature to want to talk about others and our world is filled with conversations about others. We talk about what people eat, how they dress, what they do, where they go, and so much more.

Many are infatuated with the lives of others. They will follow their favorite Hollywood celebrity, social media star, or sports figure at all costs. They cling to every detail and moment, almost forgetting their own life.

We are reminded at the start of this verse that all of our actions should be representative of the gospel of Christ. Paul says one interesting thing in the middle of this verse though. He said, “I may hear of your affairs.” In other words, when people talk about you, I want to hear that you are living right, doing right, and acting right.

When people talk about you, what are they saying? Do they see Christ and the gospel in you? Do they see someone that is living for Christ in everything you say, the things you do, and places you go? People are watching and paying attention to those that call themselves Christians. What story is our life telling?

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