Guarding your heart amid this crazy world

So many things are fighting for places in our hearts but many of them will suck the life right out of us.
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A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones. Proverbs 14:30

In this verse in Proverbs, it’s easy to understand some of what the writer is saying. He says that a heart is the life of the flesh. Some may try to take this literally, saying that of course, the heart provides life. But that’s not what the writer is saying here.

The writer specifically references a sound heart. One that is free from the corruptions of the world. Things like envy, anger, jealousy, greed, and anything else you can think of that relates. It seems to mean that having those things in your heart, where your thoughts and motives lie, it sucks the life right out of you.

Especially when you consider the second half of the verse where it says that envy is the rottenness of the bones. The things that will defile a heart will rot you straight to the core.

Have you ever had that experience? Perhaps it’s with you, where you have let things creep into your heart that seemed to suck the life right out of you. Or perhaps it was in relating to others, where they seemed so miserable it was almost unbearable. Most will understand and have an experience here with these things.

As Christians, we must guard our heart and what we let inside. Life is challenging enough with all the world tries to tempt us with. The last thing we need is to let things in our hearts that will make our lives miserable. It is so important that scripture reminds us over and over throughout both the Old and New Testament to guard our hearts.

Amid everything going on in this world, we must remain committed to guarding our heart. To keeping out the things that do not belong and keeping Christ in His rightful place.

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