What is in your heart?

What is in your heart?
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Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts. – Proverbs 21:2

In our world today, it seems that everyone wants to argue that they are right. We hear political arguments, social arguments, or even arguments at the dinner table with a server at a restaurant. We just know that we were right about our order!

It is human nature to want to be right. We do our best to rationalize and justify everything that we do. But what we find here in Proverbs is that what is important is not necessarily what we do, but what motivated what we do.

We may feel like we are right, but is the argument that we are putting forth for the right reasons? Are we displaying Christian love and sharing an example of Christ, or are we simply arguing because we want to be right?

God is not concerned with you being right or how many times you are right. God is concerned about what lives inside your heart and the desires of your heart. For the Christian, we need to focus on sharing Christ through our lives. Especially during the days in which we live!

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