Faithful with what you were given
In God's eyes, there is no difference in the social classes. He is looking for those who are faithful with ...
In God's eyes, there is no difference in the social classes. He is looking for those who are faithful with ...
When the cares and situations of life get you down, remember it's in God's hands.
A force is with you and there is nothing in this world that can stop Him!
God has given each of us a role to play as part of the family of God. It doesn't stop ...
We should desire that our lives allow the Holy Spirit to work in us so that others see God through ...
We can confidently trust in God at all times because God loves us and is a refuge for us in ...
Rather than messing things up on our own, we should wait on God: our help and shield.
It can be so easy to turn our attention and focus on ourselves and our problems. Instead, our eyes should ...
While we may feel that God is hiding, He is listening to our every word and watching our every movement.
There are times in life your joy may waiver, but God is the expert and restoring joy for those who ...