Please share your prayer requests below. When you pray for one of the requests, please click the ‘I prayed for this’ button so the requester will know!
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Michael N
This may seem like a double minded prayer and that I'm asking for two different things, but I am not. I want for the suffering to end and for God to either bring a little bit of Heaven here and or take me there. My life has been one of stagnation, loneliness, supernatural blocks, failure, broken dreams, and unanswered prayers. This has been going on for decades. A hellacious life. I want God to fix my life. I have no energy. Zero. I'm suffering from something no blood tests are able to find. Severe exhaustion that makes it difficult for me to be competent or capable. I have to take multiple naps a day and drink many energy drinks. I feel like I'm 99 when I'm only 58. Plus, I got fired. Now I need to find another job. How can I handle 8 hours when I am so tired? Furthermore, they raised my rent by 25 percent and my savings is running out fast. I've been working min wage jobs all my life working paycheck to paycheck never able to save much or at all. I have no friends, no wife, and I live in a dangerous apartment complex which is a dump. My back is crap, my eyesight going, my teeth a mess. I am miserable and sad and been like this for years and years. I just want to go home (Heaven). I want God to either fix my life (And it would have to be drastic) and or take me. I have no intention of taking myself. I want God to forgive me of my sins and get me out of here. I have soical phobia, I suck with people, and I hate my life. I want out. Either that, or I want God to do a miracle and fix this mess. I am useless as I am. God, either empower me, give me my energy back, fix my mental fog, and release the curses and blocks and replace them with blessings. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't do it. I simple can't. Fix my brain, my back, my energy, my health, my finances, my lack of relationships. Fix my living situation. Fix it all, or take me.
Received: August 18, 2022
Shirley Bachmeier
I pray for Jim K. who is battling brain cancer and for his wife, Audrie, that is asking God to not take the anchor that has been in her life. I ask for healing Lord Father in the name of your Son, Jesus.
Received: August 16, 2022
Shirley Bachmeier
I ask prayers for Jody and Charles who are battling great health issues. I ask for the peace of God and the word of God to enter into their struggles that these days be deeply intertwined with courage, surrender, trust in God's will for them so that these days be lifted to His glory and love.
Received: August 16, 2022
Shirley Bachmeier
I am asking the Father to grant me the grace to have great zeal for His will and way to touch me in every area of my life. Lift me from this lethargic spirit that so often covers me taking my joy and faith... like putting my faith in a jar and hiding it instead of setting it out for all to see and draw others to Him. Set me free to love the Trinity with my whole being, love and use the gifts He has given me to serve Him as He has purposed me to do. Thank you for joining me in prayer.
Received: August 16, 2022
shaun elliott
I need prayer for my family health, that God may open doors in my life that are his will and close the old doors of the past. and that i may be willing to go through those doors
Received: August 9, 2022
Please pray for conversion in my family, for Bill, Cathy, Ed, Marianna, Carly, Tom. Pray for conversion of the entire world. World peace, respect for life at all ages
Received: July 30, 2022
Ann Whalen
Please keep me in prayer. I am going through a divorce and struggling.