A reminder about what lies ahead

A reminder about what lies ahead
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And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. — Revelation 21:5

I remember many drives home through the mountains and foothills of North Carolina over the years. I remember looking up to see Grandfather Mountain in the distance, amazed by how spectacular of a site it was. There were times I drove through other small mountain communities, seeing Mount Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Mississippi, or many of the other countless peaks that stood around me.

When you stare at all the wonderful creations of God, you cannot help but be amazed. I felt the same way the first time I saw the ocean water in the Caribbean. It was amazing to me how clear the water became and how beautiful the beaches were in the region.

If I consider how captivating the creations of God are, it is not hard for me to imagine the distraction that John experienced in this verse. He was so distracted by the things he saw he had to be reminded to write! Imagine seeing the new Heaven and New Earth, realizing that all pain and sorrow would be gone forever. That would be distracting!

While many people will often say to not focus on the future because you will become distracted, sometimes we need a reminder about what lies ahead. This world is full of heartache, heartbreak, and circumstances that push us to the brink. But one day, those situations will be no more!

Today, take a moment to think about all that lies ahead. The sorrow and pain of today will not last forever. Soon, the troubles of this world will be over. Sickness, pain, and sorrow will be no more. One day soon, Jesus will return, and that future will become a reality.

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