More than we deserve

More than we deserve
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I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. — Psalm 13:6

Growing up, I remember spending a lot of time around farmers. Both of my grandfathers had small farms, but many of the people we went to church with were farmers. They all had an area of focus, but many of them had large crop fields. It was always fascinating to watch how the crops changed each year.

For example, if we had some heavy rains, perhaps some of the planted seed washed away. Or it could be a dry season after the seeds were planted, which led to the crops not producing as much. Some years, the harvest was plentiful, and other years, it was just enough for what was needed.

In this Psalm, David is describing his life and the goodness of God. He starts by talking about some of the challenges of life. Near the end of the Psalm, he compares his life to that of a harvest. He uses the word “bountifully.” If I were to summarize in my own words, David is saying, “When I think about it, even though life has all these challenges, God has blessed me more than I deserve.”

If we are all honest, we could all probably say the same thing. Yes, there are moments when life presents challenges. We may be discouraged at times and frustrated by moments in life that seem to almost take every bit of joy away. But if we think about it, God is still good and has blessed us more than we deserve.

Today, no matter what you are going through, take a few moments to think about the goodness of God. Amid all the challenges, disappointment, heartache, and distress, He still loves you. He still gives you grace and mercy. For all our sin and shortcomings, none of us deserve the goodness of God. Yet, He still gives grace, blessing us more than we deserve.

Another Well Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel while providing a message of encouragement and hope in a world full of darkness. Our ministry relies on donations to continue its work. Find out more about our ministry and ways to support us here.

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