All within us

All within us
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Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. – Psalm 103:1

It is always fascinating to me to watch how athletes train and prepare. They have regimented schedules. Many times, they monitor everything they eat and drink. Watching video footage, perfecting their craft as much as they possibly can. In the end, they want to win at their ultimate goal. So they put in immense effort to train. But it doesn’t stop with the training.

Watch an intense sporting event, such as the upcoming Olympics, and you will see athletes that are putting in their all. They push their bodies to the physical limit. All of their strength and determination is attributed to their desire to win. You see the intensity in their face, as they focus and push with all that they have within them.

As I reflect on David’s words in this Psalm, that is one of the things that comes to mind. David is saying that all of his power, all of his might, all of his mind, and all of his heart are dedicated to praising God. He wasn’t praising God with just his words, but he was giving it all he had!

Through David’s experience with God, he knew that God was worthy of this intense level of praise. If we are honest, we should all feel the same. God has been so good to each of us, far better than we deserve. Day in and day out, God is good.

He is worthy of our praise. Not just lip service and not just visible service. He is worthy of our praise with all our strength, our mind, and our heart. Today, praise God for His goodness and grace. Don’t hold back, because He is worthy for all His goodness on your life!

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