God is good!

God is good!
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O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. — 1 Chronicles 16:34

There are many things that happen in our world that I simply do not understand. Just recently, I was scrolling through some news websites and read story after story of heartbreaking news. Tragedy striking people all across the world. There were things happening that were almost unfathomable to some of us who have lived in the United States. But even the US was not immune. There were many stories which shocked me even here at home.

Beyond just the crazy news stories that I read from across the world, I also saw countless tragic and heartbreaking stories on social media. I hear and read stories about how people are struggling with their health. Another person that I know recently lost a child. Someone else lost their job amid a company that was closing its doors.

There are no doubt some people that will want to respond to those stories like Job’s friends. They will say it’s because the people are of little faith. Others will claim it is because they were not living their lives according to God’s will. But none of us truly know God’s purpose and plan.

While it may be impossible to know why things happen in life, there are things we can be sure of. One of those is the statement here about God: “He is good.” Even amid all the things that we may face in this world, God is good!

Not a single person is deserving of the goodness of God. We are all sinners. Yet, God loves us, cares for us, and provides mercy and grace to us. Our lives may not always go the way we want them to or plan them to. But in the end, God is good!

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