Laying up treasure

Laying up treasure
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For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. — Matthew 6:21

When I was a teenager, I remember working on the farms of both my grandfathers. They were not massive farms like you may see in the Midwest. They were just small family farms. There were times we would feed the cows or goats. Perhaps we would repair the fence. But I remember one time that I was sent out to help pick up bails of hay.

The truck was driving through the field with a large trailer. I remember walking nearby, picking up bails of hay, and throwing them up to people who were on the trailer. They would take that hay, arrange it, and then take it to store in the barn for winter. It is a physical job, one that was certainly not fun for me as a young teenager.

Now that I’m older and as I reflect on things, I can see the importance of having the hay in the barn for winter. I can only imagine the cost of feeding the livestock without it. I remember walking into the barn and seeing the stacks of hay. It was a treasure, laid up for the future.

As Jesus was teaching here in Matthew, we understand that we have the opportunity to lay up treasures for the future with how we live our lives here. He taught the importance of laying up treasure in Heaven. It was something that was valued and put into storage for the future. But the key statement he says here in verse 21, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

A lot of people live their lives laying up treasures in this world. Their lives are so consumed with treasures of this world that they forget that all the things of this world will one day pass away. If we know and believe that our future home is Heaven, why are we so consumed with laying up treasure here?

When we all get to Heaven, God is not going to be impressed by how large our bank accounts are in this life. He isn’t going to care that we had the nicest home, the fanciest car, or any other possession. Instead, God will look at the treasure that we laid up in Heaven. He will be far more interested in the souls that we led to Christ and the witness that we lived in front of others.

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