The one and only way

The one and only way
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Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. — John 14:6

Not long after moving into the area where our family lives now, I remember asking a coworker for directions. They were describing a particular meeting location for a work meeting, and I had never been there before. As they started describing how to get to the location, they said these words, “oh wow, there’s so many different ways to get there.”

I was told if I wanted to go down the interstate, I should go one direction. He told me which exit to take, which direction to turn, and which landmarks to look for. He said if I preferred to go the country roads, I could travel through a particular way. Then I would look for a specific road, which would wind me around the mountain and to the place I needed to go.

I remember looking back and him and said, “Make it simple. Tell me which way is the easiest.” He proceeded to tell me the easiest way to get there. There was no denying the route and I was on my way.

A lot of people are looking for alternative paths to Heaven. They want a “have it your way” Christianity. They don’t want Jesus, the blood, and redemption. They would prefer an easy way, one filled with good times and feel-good circumstances. But the Bible is clear: the only way to Heaven is through Jesus.

Life may offer you a million different paths. The roads before you may twist and turn in different directions. But to get to Heaven, the only way is through the blood of Jesus. If you have accepted Christ, rejoice today. Your sin is forgiven and you are on your way to Heaven! What an amazing thought that we should rejoice in!

Maybe you don’t have that assurance. Perhaps you don’t know where you would be if you were to die today. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as Savior? Have you experienced the forgiveness that only He can provide? If not, today would be the perfect day! Find out more about getting to know Jesus by clicking here. Jesus is the one and only way.

Across the world, there are Christians who need encouragement and strength that only God’s word can provide. We are focused on helping Christians find encouragement, develop stronger relationships with God, and help non-Christians come to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. As a non-profit ministry, Another Well Ministries relies on donations to continue our work. You can find out more about us and ways to support us here.

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