Caught in indecision

Caught in indecision
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And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word. — 1 Kings 18:21

We were driving down the road recently, and I heard the words from the backseat. Daddy, I’m hungry. It was not that we had starved our son in any way. In fact, if I remember correctly, he had already eaten several times that day. But he was famished and sounded as though death was imminent if he did not eat soon.

We made the decision to alter our plans and go ahead and find something to eat. My wife and I started discussing where to eat. Our son was not happy. He wanted an immediate decision, and we were taking too long. He was pointing out the options for places to go, but he felt like we weren’t listening.

Soon, we arrived where we planned to eat that day. He quickly jumped out of the car and celebrated our arrival. He felt like he was caught in our indecision on where to eat and was excited to be at the restaurant so he could eat.

There are many times that we face decisions in life. Some may be simple, while others are challenging. Often, we find ourselves caught in indecision about what to do. Do we go here? Should we say this? But one of the most important decisions we ever face is if we follow God or not.

In life, there are two options. You are either following God or you are not. So many times, Christians find themselves knowing what God would want them to do, but we are caught in indecision. If we know what God wants, why would we hesitate to follow Him?

Rather than staying indecisive, we should be decisive and follow God. We know that God knows what is best for us. It doesn’t mean the journey will be easy, but it does mean the journey has a purpose for God’s will.

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