Just keep dragging you down

Just keep dragging you down
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Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. — Matthew 11:28

When we adopted our son in China, one of the few things that he came with was a small backpack with just a handful of his belongings. Being an orphan, he didn’t have much, but he was protective of that backpack. As he has gotten older, he continues to be pretty protective of his backpacks.

He has a couple of backpacks now, and it’s often funny to watch the things that he will put in them. The backpack may have changed, and the contents may have changed, but his desire to carry his own backpack has not changed. Even when the pack is too much for him to carry, he wants to try to carry it.

I remember when that backpack was bigger than he was. He would try to walk and would nearly fall. I would have to walk with him, holding the weight of the backpack. If I didn’t, the weight of it would keep dragging him down. He was still carrying the load, but with my help, he was able to remain standing.

There are so many times in life when things just keep dragging us down. We try to take a step, and we nearly fall from the weight of all that we are carrying. But we don’t have to carry that weight alone! Jesus said that we could bring those burdens to Him and that we could find rest!

If you keep trying to carry the weight of this world alone, it will just keep dragging you down. Each step you take becomes more difficult. But you don’t have to suffer through this life. You can find rest from the load you carry! Bring your burden to Jesus, and let Him show you true rest today!

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