It’s okay to ask for help

It's okay to ask for help
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I cried to thee, O LORD; and unto the LORD I made supplication. — Psalm 30:8

When I was in high school, I remember working a job in a retail store. The job often involved working terrible hours and wasn’t the most enjoyable job that I ever had. In the training for the position, I learned many different things. I was trained how to run a cash register, pull stock from inventory, and even how to prioritize customer assistance. But one of the key training pieces was safety.

This training consisted of how to properly use knives to open boxes so products weren’t damaged. We were shown how to remove items from the top shelf so that we did not fall or drop anything on someone’s head. But we also trained to look for a specific sticker on the side of boxes that said: “team lift.” If we saw this sticker, we were instructed to ask for help.

Throughout the training, one common statement was said over and over. They said, “It’s okay to ask for help.” They repeated scenarios and situations to help prove that asking for help was the best course of action in all of these situations.

It’s such a simple lesson, but we often overlook that simple thing in our own lives. We will struggle, fall down, and ultimately fail at things over and over again before we will consider asking for help. But it’s okay to ask for help! As the Psalmist does here, it’s ok to cry out to God and ask Him to help and intervene.

God doesn’t expect us to struggle and suffer through life alone. While challenges in life will certainly happen, He has promised that He would never leave us or forsake us. He has promised help, but so often our stubbornness wins.

So why do we try to do it all on our own? Instead, we need to remember it is okay to ask for help from God. If we don’t, we may find ourselves struggling on our own for far longer than we should.

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