Waiting and hoping

Waiting and hoping
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I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. — Psalm 130:5

So many times I have heard the two words put together waiting and hoping. Their order may be interchanged, but the idea is still the same. Something is happening in life and it has caused someone to wait and hope. There are so many different perspectives here when you think of waiting and hoping to consider.

For some, it may be waiting for word from the doctor. Sometimes that is waiting for word about yourself, or even perhaps a parent, spouse, or child. Maybe it is waiting to hear word about the status of a current job or a potential new job. There are so many things that we can be waiting for, but then comes the part of hope.

We often hope for our own desires and plan. We often hope for our own dreams to come true. We often hope for good news from the doctor or in many other areas. Many times we wait and we hope, but we never put our faith in the one who is able to help in the middle of our need.

The psalmist writes here about waiting for the Lord. It was not the idea of casually sitting in a chair and waiting. The description goes on to describe a soul in waiting. That is earnest waiting. It is the idea of one who is waiting, looking, and expecting. Hope wasn’t put into the dreams of the psalmist but in the words of God.

What are you waiting for and hoping for today? No matter what it is, God should be at the center of it. Whether it be good news or bad news, God has promised that He would be with you. God wants to join you in your situation. He wants you to put your attention on Him and trust in Him.

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