God is still on the throne!

God is still on the throne!
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The LORD reigneth; let the people tremble: he sitteth between the cherubims; let the earth be moved. — Psalm 99:1

Recently, I was reading across a news website, and I came across some statements that stuck with me. One article mentioned a foreign leader and how that person claimed they were in charge of something. Another article shared how the President of the United States was in charge of the United States. Yet another shared about a business owner and what that individual was in charge of.

In each of these examples, it shared the premise that these people were in charge. They were making the decisions, calling the shots, and the ones in ultimate control. At least, that’s what they think. Across this world, there are leaders of nations and organizations that believe they are in charge and running the show.

They make decisions that are often in self-interest. In many instances, I’m convinced that they make decisions with little or no thought to what God may think of the decision. Rather than prayerfully considering the decision, they think they are in charge and that there is no one who can stop them.

There’s just one problem. God is still on the throne! He never once gave up His power and authority to anyone in the US government or any other government. He did not give up His throne to influential business leaders or anyone else. God is still on the throne!

So don’t get discouraged that the decisions here in this world are the end. They may be frustrating and discouraging, but God sees and knows exactly what is going on. There are those that believe they are in control, but the truth is that God is in control and one day every knee will bow to Him. Remember, God is still on the throne!

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