Searching for a perfect Christian…

Searching for a perfect Christian...
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For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. — Romans 3:23

There seems to be a growing trend that everyone in life must be perfect. We expect that no one will ever say a harsh word or act in an improper way. Then we hear the ever-popular term “cancel culture” describing how someone is essentially ran out of a job or eliminated from a prominent place all because of something they said or did.

It’s an interesting mindset that we expect everyone to be perfect, especially Christians. After all, we live in a less-than-perfect world. We live in a world that is full of sin and wickedness. Those things grow worse and worse around us each day. Still, we expect that there are people in this world who are perfect.

Scripture plainly teaches that everyone has sinned and come short of the glory of God. It does not say in these verses that political leaders are perfect. It also does not say that business and spiritual leaders are perfect. The verse clearly states that all. It is a completely encompassing word describing everyone that inhabits the face of the earth.

Not one single person alive today is exempt and perfect. We are imperfect beings in an imperfect world. Not everyone around us is going to be perfect and do the right thing. We have to remember that as we interact with those around us. The difference for the Christian is that we have Jesus Christ living within. He has made a change in our lives so we are not the same as everyone else.

So while the world expects us to be perfect, don’t be afraid to share your imperfections. When you do, share the difference that is within you. Share that while you may not be perfect, God lives within and is working on you every day to help you be more Christ-like. You never know, it may open the door for you to be able to help someone else come to know Christ today.

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