The power of the tongue

The power of the tongue
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And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. — James 3:6

There may have not ever been a day to exist where the things that are said are so closely watched. A person can make a statement 10 or 20 years ago and in the digital age we live in, those statements can come back to haunt them. Politicians and business leaders have learned the power of the tongue as they have watched their work be tarnished by one statement that was made many years ago.

With so much power behind the things that we say, one would think we would watch what we say more closely. James tells us in this verse that the tongue is a fire. In other words, just one simple thing that comes out of someone’s mouth has the potential to set a fire around those who hear it. In the digital world, that could be millions of people.

So often, there is little consideration given to the things that we say. We get into a situation and we are quick to say things not realizing the effect it may have. James shares in this same passage about how the tongue can work for good and evil. So often we think about the fire that our tongue can start and realize that it can be negative and can start a fire of evil.

But what about the good that our tongue can accomplish? What about our ability to share the goodness of God with those around us? Or our ability to share the gospel with those who may have not accepted Jesus as Savior? Could it be that the reason we do not see the spiritual working of God around us is that Christians are remaining silent?

Just as much as a single word or statement can change the course of someone’s life, career, or our world to the negative, it can have the same effect for good. In a world that is filled with nothing but negative, vile, and sinful words, it is up to us to be the difference that others can see. Today, pray that God set a guard over your mouth and heart to help you start a fire with your tongue in a good way.

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