Your life can be fulfilled in Christ

Your life can be fulfilled in Christ
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And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. — Colossians 2:10

Have you ever found yourself looking for purpose or fulfillment in life? I sure have. There have been so many times I asked myself why I was doing the things that I was doing. It felt like I was going through the motions, but there was no fulfillment in anything. So if you are feeling that way, do not think you are alone.

Truthfully, it is common for Christians to have those moments in their lives. It is common to have the thoughts that perhaps we should do something different, act a different way, or hang out with a different crowd. It is almost like we lose sight of the prize that Paul wrote about in Philippians 3:14. When we have those moments of searching, we can look to Scripture like Colossians 2:10 which remind us what truly completes our lives.

In this verse, Paul does not write that we are complete because we have the latest trends to wear or the latest tech gadgets. He does not say we are complete because we drive the nicest cars or make the most money in our jobs. He does not even say that we need the most social media followers, the most friends, or to be the most popular person in our neighborhood or on our block. He says that we are complete in him. I made sure you saw the keyword there. You can have all the things of this world, but unless you have Jesus Christ, you will never find fulfillment.

Our lives were designed to include Him. We were created in His image with a purpose to submit our lives to Him and serve Him. You can continue to search for things to satisfy, but nothing will satisfy. You can easily see that in the lives of most lottery winners. They win a lot of money and they spend it on all the things that they want. Soon after, the majority of them are back in the same position they were in because all the things of this world will never satisfy and fulfill your life.

Jesus told the woman at the well that He could give her water so that she would never thirst again. He told her that He was the only way to complete fulfillment and satisfaction. So next time you have those feelings, perhaps it is time to have a spiritual vision check. Make sure that your life is focused on Him because apart from Him, nothing will satisfy.

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