Trusting in God’s perspective

Trusting in God’s perspective
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For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.  — Isaiah 55:9

I have never been fond of heights. In fact, I have always been quite nervous when I am at any height and I do not feel I could easily get back down. I will never forget the first time I went to the top of the One World Tower in New York City. It was unnerving to stand so close to the windows and realize that there was nothing but a long distance between you and the ground.

I have also had the experience of flying on dozens of airplanes. Short flights, long flights, over the country, and over cities. When I first started flying, I always liked having a window seat so I could look out and see. While I hate the height, I loved the perspective that being several miles above the earth gave.

Perspective is an interesting thing. When you are on the ground, mountains and buildings can seem tall and overwhelming. When you are above them in the air, they seem much smaller below. That’s exactly how God’s perspective of our world is. He tells us that He sits above the earth and that his ways and his thoughts are higher than ours. His perspective is above ours and He can see what is on the other side of our problems and cares.

So don’t be discouraged that your are not able to see the other side of whatever you are facing. God is able to see both sides. He knows exactly what you are facing and exactly how it will be on the other side. Just have faith and trust in God’s perspective.

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