Rest for everyone

Rest for everyone
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Come unto me, all all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28

It seems like our world is at a crazy pace all around us. We are constantly on the go. Whether it be for work, taking the kids to school or practice, or even to spend time with family and friends. The longer we live the more it seems that things continue to fight for our time. Time that seems to go by faster each day.

Amid all the hustle and bustle, it seems there is one common theme for everyone. We all want rest! We look for it in so many areas, too. Some may try to find it in a good book, others in exercise, or perhaps in a good long nap. While all those things are good, they still don’t fully satisfy our longing for rest.

As soon as we end our reading, we are back at it. As soon as we end our vacation, we are back to work. It seems to be a vicious cycle that we cannot end. Or can we?

It seems that in Matthew 11:28 Jesus tells us that the key to true rest is found in Him. He continues in later verses saying to take His “yoke” upon us. What is he saying? He is telling us that if we are connected to Him and His work in all aspects of our lives, we can truly find rest. It means all the things about this world are put into the right perspective when we have ourselves hooked up to the cause of Christ. Connected to Christ and His mission. That is where true rest is found.

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